Eugene Larchenko's plugins and utilities on TOTALCMD.NET
Author Profile: Eugene Larchenko All Plugins and Files by Eugene Larchenko
inTRD is a packer-plugin for Total Commander, allowing to work with ZX-Spectrum TR-DOS disk images (.TRD).
- Supported viewing, extracting, creating, modifying;
- smart TR-DOS file length detection;
- hobeta files support;
- transferring START and LENGTH properties via file creation date;
- automatic joining of split TR-DOS files;
- interacts with inSCL and inMBD plugins;
- show deleted files;
- can defragment images;
- partial DirSys support;
- configurable;
- bonus: content plugin (wdx).
148 KB - Updated: 12.01.2022 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 19277 times
inSCL is a packer-plugin for Total Commander, allowing to work with ZX-Spectrum TR-DOS disk images (.SCL).
- Supported viewing, extracting, creating, modifying;
- smart TR-DOS file length detection;
- hobeta files support;
- transferring START and LENGTH properties via file creation date;
- automatic joining of split TR-DOS files;
- interacts with inTRD and inMBD plugins;
- checking SCL file integrity;
- configurable.
143 KB - Updated: 12.01.2022 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 18239 times
inTAP is a packer plugin for Total Commander. With this plugin Total Commander will treat ZX Spectrum tape image files (*.tap) like archives.
- Supported viewing, extracting, creating, modifying;
- Interacts with inTRD, inSCL, inMBD plugins;
- Hobeta files processing;
- Configurable.
111 KB - Updated: 23.06.2015 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 5502 times
This is a set of plugins for Total Commander providing support for BS-DOS disk image formats.
BS-DOS is a ZX Spectrum DOS and file system used in some European countries. Plugins developed by request and in cooperation with Czech and Slovak users of ZX Spectrum and Total Commander.
The bundle contains 4 plugins: inMBD, inMBD_wdx, inMBH, inTAP. They provide support for *.mbd; *.mbh and *.tap files.
Each plugin is self-sufficient and can be installed independently. However, they are most efficient if used together; for example, it is possible to copy files between MBD and TAP images preserving Spectrum-specific file attributes (autostart, body flags, etc...).
Each plugin is bundled with manual and changelog. Additionally the bundle includes:
bundle_readme.rtf - short bundle description;
Sample images - several files you can use to test plugins.
985 KB - Updated: 1.06.2015 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 5192 times
inSCR is a lister-plugin for Total Commander for viewing ZX Spectrum picture files.
- Flash color support
- Automatic border color mode
- Thumbnails view support
- Several view modes (black-and-white (without attributes), invert, postprocessing filters)
- Conversion to BMP
- Support for Total Commander 64-bit
Formats supported:
- Standard screens: 6144, 6912 and 6913 (with border color) bytes
- Gigascreen (two screens blended)
- 3-Color
- 48K/128K Snapshot (.sna)
- Multitech/MB02+ (grayscale multicolor)
- Timex multicolor
- All of the above in hobeta format
163 KB - Updated: 10.01.2015 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 17541 times
A plugin for Total Commander allowing to unpack HRIP archives and files compressed with Hrust 1 and Hrust 2 compressors, popular among Russian ZX Spectrum users.
- Scan arbitrary file for Hrip and Hrust-compressed blocks;
- Extracting in hobeta format;
- Interacts with inTRD/inSCL and inMBD plugins;
- Configurable.
139 KB - Updated: 6.12.2014 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 8254 times
inAlasm is a lister plugin for Total Commander allowing to view the files of ZX Spectrum assembler Alasm.
78 KB - Updated: 22.05.2014 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 9241 times