3D File viewer 2.040524
3D File viewer 2.040524
Show different 3d file formats (3DS,LWO,DXF,STL,OBJ,DAT,AC,PLY,PFZ) using Progressive Fans Technology.
The file format supported are:
- 3DS 3d studio format
- LWO Lightwave object 1 & 2 (Partially)
- DXF Autocad (drawing interchange)
- STL stereolithography format (Binary and Ascii)
- OBJ Wavefront
- DAT Ldraw lego file
- AC3D www.ac3d.org
- PLY Polygon File Format also known as the Stanford Triangle Format
- PFZ Progressive fans representation
Category: TC Lister Plugins
Status: donateware
Author: Antonio Cortes Carrillo
Added: 15.03.2004
Updated: 25.05.2004
Downloaded: 64681 times
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